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Zion Jameson Choi | The Eighth Month

How is my baby already EIGHT months?!

Z has slowly but quickly transitioned from being a true baby baby to now looking more like a toddler. It's hard to articulate the mixed emotions that surge as we encroach on every new month - equal parts nostalgia and longing for the fragile babe that would sleep in my arms and amazement at watching him develop into his own.

This month was full on daddy daycare (James' paternity leave) while I started working full time. Though I've been watching more from the sidelines as James' took the wheel, it's been so nice to sneak in a few cuddles and play sessions. Over the 6 weeks of paternity leave, I witnessed how, because of the quality time...

  • J knows exactly how to make Z laugh

  • Z developed more patience in his stroller (with slight regression now ;)) because J would let him fuss and figure it out

  • Z started rolling a LOT more (and showed signs of crawling!) because of daddy bootcamp

  • J knows which toys to use to distract Z and help him calm down

  • J figured out new ways to keep Z entertained (switching it up to outdoor play sessions, baby wearing at home to do chores)

I'll admit, it was definitely hard to sit in a room working while hearing his giggles (or cries) behind the wall and not be able to go right away. I found my mind constantly wandering to thinking about Z and wondering if he was okay throughout the day and I loved seeing his face light up whenever he saw me walk into the room.

The tension of motherhood is real and there isn't an easy option. Because of the limited time I could spend with him, I did find myself a lot more engaged in the moments we did have together. I don't know who is more attached to the other - Z or me :)

This month, we had a few local outings and many relaxing days at home. From two trips to San Francisco (like living our kid free life ;))

to an Oakland Zoo trip...

to Valentine's day with my boys...

There were park days (with his first slide and swing experience that apparently wasn't very thrilling :))...

many play sessions at home...

eating time (which is still an all time favorite for Z)....

bedtime routines (my new favorite because of how playful he always is before bed - full of giggles reading books and the only time of the day he loves rolling around!)...

Being his mama has been one of the sweetest gifts.

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